January 1, 2022: Happy New Year from the Seattle/Cuba Friendship Committee
In 2021, the Seattle/Cuba Friendship Committee had a robust year of activism in solidarity with, and support for, the Cuban Revolution and the people of Cuba. We didn't end the blockade but we did get the word out and promote positive relations between our nations and peoples. Please join us in 2022 for more of the same!
January 14, 2022: Webinar: Lessons From Cuba - Reproductive Justice is a Human Right
As part of the annual Martin Luther King celebration in Seattle, this Cuba Workshop will be sponsored by the Seattle MLK Jr. Coalition and US Women and Cuba Collaboration.
January 30, 2022: Our 1st event of 2022: last-Sunday-of-the-month picket
Please join us January 30 at the Hec Edmundson Pavilion at the University of Washington for an informational picket to end the US blockade of Cuba.
February 27, 2022: Last-Sunday-of-the-month picket
Please join us on Sunday, February 27 on Capitol Hill for an informational picket to end the US blockade of Cuba.
April 24-May 8, 2022: International May Day Brigade
Although no Seattle-ites joined this Brigade, we promoted it and many Americans went. The group got to participate in the massive May Day Parade in Havana. The Brigade was sponsored by ICAP (Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples) and the US-based National Network on Cuba (NNOC).
For more info, e-mail:
July 16-30, 2022: IFCO/Pastors for Peace 32nd Friendshipment Caravan to Cuba
We sent a small Seattle delegation on this mid-summer solidarity caravan. They had a very successful visit and tour of Cuba, then came home and shared their experiences of the revolutionary island.
July 31, 2022: Last-Sunday-of-the-month rally
We held an informational picket & rally at the Ballard Farmers market on July 31. As always, we were there the spread the good word about Cuba and explain the need to end the repressive US government policies towards the island nation.
September 29, 2022: Last-Sunday-of-the-month picket
We held a rally at the Sunday Capitol Hill Farmers Market, doing an informational picket to end the US blockade of Cuba.
October 30, 2022: Rally in support of Cuba at the United Nations
Please join us on October 30 at the Sunday Capitol Hill Farmers Market to support Cuba's resolution at the United Nations demanding an end to the US economic government bloackade of the island.
November 6, 2022: Seattle/Cuba Friendship Committee 30th Anniversary
On November 6, 1992, an ad hoc group met at University Baptist Church in Seattle and sent donated supplies to Cuba on the first IFCO Pastors for Peace Friendshipment to Cuba.
Seattle/Cuba Friendship Committee Meetings
We usually meet (virtually, via Zoom) at least once per month. Please contact the Seattle/Cuba Friendship Committee for an invitation, or for more information about our work:
Website: www.seattlecuba.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/seattlecubafriendship/