Dinner at with Arianne Aquino


Left to right: Jakob, Tom, Stephanie, David, Arianne, John

On August 17, members of Seattle/Cuba Friendship Committee had the privilege of dining with Arianne Aquino, medical candidate at the Latin America School of Medicine (ELAM) in Havana, Cuba. Arianne is presently on her brief summer break, visiting family & friends in Seattle and Los Angeles. We had a fun evening dining at Reckless Noodles on the south side of Capitol Hill, Seattle.
Arianne is planning to graduate in 2025 and thereafter will hopefully be doing a medical residency somewhere in the greater Seattle area.
We are exploring ways to offer financial and social support to her and others from the Seattle area while they study medicine in Cuba. Any ideas?
In any case, let’s wish Arianne continued success at school!

For more information contact Seattle/Cuba Friendship Committee:
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Instagram: www.instagram.com/seattlecuba/